Short Term Disability

Leaf Home offers Voluntary Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Insurance for you at a discounted group rate. This disability insurance will provide you peace of mind in the event you get sick or injured and cannot work.

Benefit Type Summary
Accident 8th day
Sickness 8th day
Maximum Weekly Benefit $1,000
Maximum Benefit Period 13 weeks
Pre-Existing Condition Limitations 3/12

Voluntary Short-Term Rate & Premium Summary

Age Monthly Rate per $10 of weekly benefit
Under 25 $0.18
25-29 $0.18
30-34 $0.18
35-39 $0.18
40-44 $0.18
45-49 $0.22
50-54 $0.28
55-59 $0.40
60-64 $0.48
65-69 $0.52
70-74 $0.52
Over 74 $0.52

Long Term Disability

Leaf Home provides eligible employees with Long-Term Disability coverage and Leaf Home pays the full cost of this coverage.

If you were to become disabled from a qualifying injury or illness, Long Term Disability income benefits provide a source of income.

Benefit Type Summary
Elimination Period 90 days
Monthly Benefit 60% of your monthly earnings
Maximum Monthly Benefit $6,000
Maximum Benefit Duration Social Security normal retirement age
Pre-Existing Limitation 12 months for conditions treated within the 3 months prior to effective date of coverage

Voluntary Long-Term Rate & Premium Summary

Age Monthly Rate per $100 of covered payroll Age Monthly Rate per $100 of covered payroll
Under 25 $0.09 50-54 $0.94
25-29 $0.09 55-59 $1.12
30-34 $0.20 60-64 $1.17
35-39 $0.27 65-69 $1.23
40-44 $0.47 70-74 $1.29
45-49 $0.74 Over 74 $2.79
Supplemental Short-Term Disability Insurance
Voluntary Long-Term Disability Insurance

Video: Disability Insurance