
You are eligible if:

  • You work at least 30 hours per week; and
  • You have completed the 30-day waiting period
  • Once the waiting period has elapsed, benefits will begin on your 31st day of employment

You may also enroll your eligible dependents in many of the same plans you choose for yourself. Proof of dependent status will be required to enroll. Eligible dependents include:

  • Your legal spouse that is not eligible for coverage elsewhere, such as employer offered coverage
  • Your natural, adopted, stepchild, or child for whom you have legal guardianship, up to age 26
  • Your disabled child over the age of 26 for whom you have legal guardianship
Applicable enrollments can be accessed in UKG by visiting Menu > Myself > Benefits > Manage My Benefits

Open Enrollment is May 28, 2024 through June 11, 2024

Open Enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to pick your plans or make changes to your existing coverage. Open enrollment will open again in late May/early June. All eligible employees will be notified via email once open enrollment is live. The choices you make during Open Enrollment will become effective July 1st, 2024 and remain in effect through June 30th, 2025. 

When you enroll you can:

  • Change your current coverage, if needed
  • Enroll in benefits for the first time, if newly hired or newly eligible for benefits
  • Update your dependent information
  • Update your beneficiary information


New Employees

For newly hired employees, welcome to Leaf Home! At Leaf Home, we understand that your health and well-being is important. That’s why we offer you a comprehensive benefits package to support you and your family, with the flexibility to make the choices that best meet your needs.

As a new hire, you have 30 days from your date of hire to elect health care benefits for yourself and your eligible dependents (if applicable). Your next opportunity to change your enrollment will be in the annual open enrollment period unless you experience a qualifying life status change.

Your benefit elections will be effective on your 31st day of employment.

If you are adding dependents to your coverage, you will be required to submit documentation to verify your dependents’ eligibility before the enrollment can be approved.

Evaluate Your Needs. Consider your prior health care usage and select plans and options that fit your lifestyle and needs.

  • Take regular prescription medications?
  • Anticipating surgery or non-preventive dental care?
  • Did you experience a qualifying life event this year?
  • Review your current plans to ensure you have the coverage you need.
Review this benefits website to learn about your new and existing plan options.
A little bit of planning will help you select the best plans, coverage levels, and financial programs for your unique situation.

Qualifying Life Event

Certain life events provide you a 30-day window to elect benefits or change your covered dependents. Leaf Home is required to follow certain IRS rules to protect the tax advantages of our benefit plans. These rules affect when you may change benefits and what changes may be made.

What is a Qualifying Life Event? If you experience any of the scenarios below, you may be eligible to update your benefit elections mid-year:

  • Marriage, divorce, or legal separation
  • The addition of dependents due to birth, adoption, or legal guardianship
  • A change in the employment status for a spouse or a dependent, including the termination or commencement of employment
  • The loss of dependents due to loss of dependent eligibility, death, or placement for adoption
  • Loss or gain of other health coverage for you and/or dependents
  • Change in residence due to an employment transfer for you or your spouse
  • Change in Medicaid/Medicare eligibility for you or a dependent
  • Receipt of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order

Changes must be made within 30 days of the event

Video: Qualifying Event

PlanSource 101