Leaf Home Wellness Program

It’s no secret that medical expenses continue to rise each year. Leaf Home takes pride in maintaining industry-leading medical benefits coverage by providing great coverage plans at low cost or no cost. In fact, over the past five years medical insurance expenses have increased by an average 6% and Leaf has maintained no cost coverage for employee only plans. We want to continue to do so and, to meet this goal, we have designed a wellness program that allow participating employees to maintain $0 employee medical coverage if they satisfy certain requirements.

Effective July 1st, 2024 all medical plan tiers (employee only, employee + spouse, employee + children, and employee + family) will see a $34.60 per week employee-contribution expense. However, all employees are also eligible for a $34.60 per week premium credit if you enroll in the Leaf Home Wellness Program, complete an annual wellness exam, AND submit the physician completion form through our partner Prevention Cloud.

Participation & Requirements Information

  1. Register through Prevention Cloud
    a. Go to www.preventioncloud.com or download the PreventionCloud app
    b. Username: FIRSTNAMELASTNAMEBirthyear (EX: JOHNSMITH1998)
            i.Do not use spaces or symbols in your username
    c. Password: Birthdate (MMDDYYYY)
    d. Once logged in, you will be prompted to change your password. You will then utilize your
    new password every time you log in
    . If you forget your password, click on “forgot
    password” to reset
  2. Complete the required Physician Visit + Visit Packet between 6/1/2023-5/31/2024
  3. Submit forms and activities by May 31st, 2024

Important Deadlines

Employees Hired Prior to March 1st, 2024 and Actively Enrolled in Medical Coverage:
Deadline to complete will be May 31st, 2024.

Employees Hired After March 1st, 2024 and Actively Enrolled in Medical Coverage:
Not subject to the program for the current plan year but will be subject to the program in years to come if they remain actively enrolled in medical coverage.


The wellness program is confidential and HIPAA compliant. Protected Health Information (PHI) collected through the Physician Visit Form and Health Risk Assessment is managed through a secure Health Management System and is only used to help determine your current health status and provide you with the most effective health improvement strategy. Policies and procedures are in place to properly safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of your PHI. PHI is only used as permitted in accordance with HIPAA laws. Your PHI will not be shared with Leaf Home.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to benefits@leafhome.com or Prevention Cloud at (877) 506-5885 or by e-mail support@preventioncloud.com.

For more detailed information and step by step instructions for submission, please visit UKG and navigate to the Leaf Home Hub.

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